Commercial Flat Roof Installation

Flat roof installation can be an arduous process, but the difficulty of the installation is dependent on the what type of flat roof is being installed. The difficulty and amount of time associated with installing a roof effect both labor costs and the likelihood of a failed installation. The specific details of flat roof installation are not particularly relevant to building owners looking to re-roof, but thinking about how your choice of material can affect labor costs and the likelihood of a failed installation is.

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Flat Roof Styles

Whether you go with single ply, asphalt, or metal roofing, a wide variety of styling options exist. While single ply roofing provides a bit more malleability as it relates to unusual roof design, both asphalt and metal roofs come in a wide variety of colors, finishes, and shapes.


Flat Roof Types & Materials

There are several materials and styles to select from when determining how best to re-roof your business. What is the best flat roof material?

See All Roof Types for Commercial Businesses


Single Ply

Pros: Single ply roofs are highly resistant to damage caused by the sun and are easy to install. Most single ply roofs are flexible and lightweight which reduces strain on structures roofed by single play materials. Single ply roofs are the faster and easier to install as well as competitively priced.

Cons: Single ply membranes are easily punctured and are generally more prone to leaks than other options.


Pros: Asphalt roofs can be extremely durable. Roofs build with asphalt materials are capable of withstanding a variety of environmental conditions. Asphalt roofs are generally a cheap roofing option.

Cons: Asphalt roofs require periodic maintenance. Asphalt roofs do not offer excellent insulation, which is important here in Las Vegas.


Pros: Metal roofs are known for being long-lasting and being able to withstand all sorts of environmental conditions. Metal roofs insulate buildings well which can save you money on heating and cooling costs.

Cons: The biggest drawback of metal roofing options is that they are generally expensive. Additionally, metal roofs can be dented and may make more noise than other options during periods of heavy rain.

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