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How Long Do Aluminum Gutters Last?

[fa icon="calendar"] Jun 17, 2020 3:56:00 PM / by Krystal Coddington

Krystal Coddington

How Long Do Aluminum Gutters Last?

It’s easy to forget about your building’s aluminum gutters when they’re working properly, but they won’t last forever. You might be wondering how long aluminum gutters last, especially if yours are a bit older but seem fine for now. If your gutters need to be replaced, there are a few warning signs to watch for that you may not have noticed. Once you know what to expect from your aluminum gutters in terms of longevity, you can keep an eye out for signs that it’s time to change them.

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Aluminum Gutters Have a Lifespan of Around 20 years

How long do aluminum gutters last? Seamless aluminum gutters have a warranty lasting for 20 years, while downspouts typically carry a 30-year warranty. Unlike other materials for gutters, aluminum can be manufactured to create one seamless gutter for an entire building. This removes many of the weak points that plague other gutter systems, thus increasing their longevity. However, there are some signs of aging to watch for in a seamless gutter system that indicate it’s time to replace it.

Signs of Aging Aluminum Gutters

Keep an eye out for the following warning signs that indicate aluminum gutters need to be fixed or replaced. A commercial or residential roofing company, like us, can build new seamless gutters to fit your building.

Dripping Water

A loose connection between your gutter and building allows water to flow along the gutter’s exterior and drip from it. This separation between the gutter and building provides the opportunity for water to flow into the roof and along the siding, potentially weakening both.

Cracks or Dents

Gutters that are cracked or dented have received some kind of trauma and may not channel water properly away from your building.This can present a major problem during rainstorms and can be an unsightly mark on your building.


Aluminum is easy to deform compared to steel, another popular material for gutters. This means that over time, the weight of water and debris that collects in your gutters can warp them. This may cause them to separate from your roof and will reduce their effectiveness at channeling water away from your building.

Faded Paint

Aluminum gutters are resistant to rust, but they can still oxidize over time, releasing a fine dust that coats the outside of the gutter. This oxidation process can cause the paint on your gutters to fade, which indicates that your gutters are getting old and ready for a replacement.


Seamless gutters are made of several single lengths of gutter joined together at the corners of a roof or at a downspout. As they age, these tight fits may open up, causing leaks in these areas. Once this occurs, it’s time to schedule some repairs with a commercial or residential roofing company.

Can You Paint Aluminum Gutters?

Seamless aluminum gutters come pre-painted and don’t need a further application. However, you can easily paint aluminum gutters if you take the right steps. First, clean the gutters to remove soot and dust from them, then let them dry before applying ideally an acrylic bonding primer. Give this 48 hours to dry, then apply an oil-based enamel, allowing another 48 hours for that layer to dry. Finally, apply a layer of ammonia-free acrylic paint across the gutters and allow it to dry before re-mounting them on your building if you first needed to remove them.

Inspect Your Aluminum Gutters Routinely

Aluminum gutters need to be regularly inspected for problems, as gutters can damage your building if they can’t properly channel water away from it. Gutters that appear to be fine at first glance could have serious problems that you won’t discover until a rainstorm. It’s especially important to find out if you need to replace your gutters before the rainy monsoon season hits. A routine inspection can alert you to any problems, giving you time to replace them before they become more serious.

Aluminum Gutter Installation in the Las Vegas Valley

Now that you know how long aluminum gutters last, make sure they’re regularly inspected and well-maintained. Keeping your building’s aluminum gutters in working order is vital to maintaining the health of your building. Seamless aluminum gutters are easy to replace, and acting now can save your home or business from a major disruption and costly repairs. Contact the Original Roofing Company for commercial or residential gutter installation and we can create a new seamless gutter system custom-fitted to your building. We offer 6-inch diameter K-style and 6-inch diameter half-round seamless aluminum gutters, each with approximately 40 colors to choose from. Protect your building by getting your gutters storm-ready before the monsoon season!

Krystal Coddington

Written by Krystal Coddington